Jahreskongress Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie
Deadline for abstract submission: May 4, 2025
Instructions for SSR abstracts
All accepted abstracts, that are submitted to the SSR congress, will be published in a supplementum of Swiss Medical Weekly. Therefore all abstracts have to be submitted in English.
Accepted abstracts will be presented at the congress as free communications or posters. Each abstract must be presented by one of the authors! Do not submit an abstract if none of the authors can be present at the congress!
Abstracts that haven’t been accepted by a scientific journal, yet, can be submitted as well.
The best scientific abstracts and the best case report will be awarded with CHF 1'000.-, sponsored by the SSR.
Instructions for Health Professionals in Rheumatology (HPR)
Abstracts that are submitted to the HPR Symposium from research and clinical practice are accepted for submission. All accepted abstracts, that are submitted in English language, will be published in a supplementum of Swiss Medical Weekly. Abstracts in German and French are allowed, but publication is not guaranteed.
Accepted abstracts will be presented at the HPR-Symposium. Each abstract must be presented by one of the authors! Do not submit an abstract if none of the authors can be present at the congress!
Abstracts that haven’t been accepted by a scientific journal, yet, can be submitted as well.
HPR Switzerland awards the best research and best practice project with CHF 500.- each.
Technical instructions
The address table has to be completed with the address of the first or the presenting author. This address will be published in the faculty list in the final programme.
Indicate all involved clinics/departements/institutes/hospitals and allocate the authors (including first author) by indicating the corresponding number(s). Multiple allocations have to be seperated by a comma without blank/space.
There is a limit of 2'500 characters (including blanks/spaces) for the text of your abstract (see the counter bottom right).
Text can be copied in from Word or other text editors.
You can not insert tables or graphics.
Please indicate in the field "Subm. to SSR or HPR" whether you submit your abstract to the SSR congress (type "SSR" in the field) or to the HPR Symposium (type "HPR" in the field) .
Before submitting you must proofread a pdf version of your abstract, thereafter either edit or submit your abstract.
After submitting your abstract you'll receive a confirmation by e-mail (to the address indicated in the address table) with a pdf version attached.