6.-8. November 2025


The future of anesthesia and perioperative medicine


Submission deadline: June 29, 2025

All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplementum of Swiss Medical Weekly and must therefore be submitted in English.

Accepted abstracts will be presented at the congress as free communications or posters. The free communications/posters must be presented by one of the authors!

The address table has to be completed with the address of the first or the presenting author. This address will be published in the faculty list in the congress programme.

Indicate all involved clinics/departements/institutes/hospitals and allocate the authors (including first or presenting author!) by indicating the corresponding number(s). Multiple allocations have to be seperated by a comma without blank/space.

There is a limit of 2'500 characters (including blanks/spaces) for the text of your abstract (see the counter bottom right).
Text can be copied in from any text editors.
You can not insert tables or graphics.

Before submitting you must proofread a PDF version of your abstract, thereafter either edit or submit your abstract. Please do that carefully so you won't have to submit your abstract a second time.

After submitting your abstract you'll receive a confirmation by e-mail (to the address indicated in the address table) with a pdf version attached.

SSAPM Best Presentation Award

The SSAPM sponsers an award for the two best free communications and the two best posters that are presented at the congress.

The award ceremony will take place on Thursday, Nov. 6 at approx. 18h45 at the SwissAnaesthesia bar in the exhibition. Please be there - it's always a bit awkward when a prizewinner isn't present.

BBS Congress GmbH
T +41 31 331 82 75

Adrian König

Sujani Ragumar